Playing bowls is very doable and sociable. Whatever your physique, bowls is a sport for everybody and it will help improve your fitness levels and mental wellbeing. Being invited to share a drink after a match is usual. You will soon learn the hobbies and interests of other members. Having an evening meal with other members is also encouraged.
Churchdown Village Bowls Club always welcomes new members. We have a membership form that identifies your contact details, plus options such as selecting what internal matches you wish to play. You need to download the form and complete the boxes that require your input. The form can be returned by email or can be sent by post. We will supply our bank details for online banking but also accept cheques (see membership form for Payee Name).
Upon joining, you will be introduced to several key members of the Bowls Club who will guide you during your first few months. They usually join you in friendly matches.
If you experience any difficulties, then please email us and we will respond to any help that you need.
Bowls is not expensive. You don’t need lots of new kit to start out and we put on taster sessions for free. A breakdown of costs is given below...
The current membership costs for CVBC are described within the membership form. Examples of costs (as at 2024) are...
Single membership cost is £80 (includes all children under 18 years old)
New to Bowls membership cost is £30 (first year only)
Family membership cost is £160 (includes all children under 18 years old)
If a new member joins after 30th June then all fees are reduced to 50%, as only half of the season remains for matches.
Members must also join the Churchdown Club, as we are part of that club and enjoy the facilities of that club. Example costs (as at 2024) are £20, or £15 for those aged 65 and over.
When you have become confident with a set of bowls from our “spares” store you will need to purchase you own set. The prime method of purchase will be using eBay. Expect to pay about £30-£130 for a set of bowls. You can also check our notice board once you have an idea of size that you require.
If you wish to play matches with external clubs we ask that you purchase a club shirt, that will cost £35. Forms can be found further up this page.
To summarise the costs above, initial costs for your first year will be about £200, covering CVBC membership £30, Club Membership £15, Shirt £35, plus a set of personal woods £120.
In future years your annual cost would be limited to about £95, covering CVBC membership £80, Club Membership £15.
After football, bowls has the second highest number of clubs in the country. A very popular game; that is cheap, sociable, easy to learn and play. Keep your diary close by you as there will be matches most weekends; plus practice games midweek.
Compared to most sports, age and gender differences have less of an effect on a game of bowls. It’s a perfect outdoor sport to spend time and enjoy a bit of friendly competition. We have a ladies team and a men’s team. We organise internal matches as mixed pairs (or mixed triples) where ladies and men make teams; and play against another mixed gender team.
Remember it is an outside sport. Mostly dry sunny days; but bowls clubs cannot control the weather. If the weather is impacting a match, the match can be terminated early. If a weather forecast is announced early enough a match can be postponed.
Bowls clubs are sociable places full of people looking to have fun. Bowls is a great way to relax, make new friends and feel part of the local community. You will meet fellow players in your county.
At an away match, you will be invited to have a drink with a competitor. At a home match, you should invite a competitor to join you for a drink. Most “home” clubs will supply a small snack after a match. You may also be able meet up with friends who live near to a Bowls club in another county where you are playing during a tour.
At CVBC, a member invited an old school friend to attend Bournemouth Bowls Club when he was visiting that club during a bowls tour. The school friend was very pleased to meet-up and chat to his school buddy. HOWEVER, the school friend was more impressed TO SEE FIVE OF HIS GOLFING FRIENDS playing bowls………… an interest that they had never expressed to him during the 10-15 years that he had known them.